Get to know

      Welcome, and thank you for checking out my site! My name is Heather (if you hadn’t already guessed). I am an Ithaca, NY native and work full time as an RN in Obstetrics as well as run my beloved wedding photography business. Yup, you read that right, weird combo, I know. Basically, I get to tag along on the best days of people’s lives as their photographer at their wedding, and as their nurse as they bring a baby into the world. Pretty powerful stuff– I cry happy tears almost every day alongside my clients and patients.

      On that note, I’m a total sap. I love love and I love artfully capturing it to preserve the memories these precious moments of our lives hold. I will most likely be crying behind my camera during your ceremony, I can’t help it. Being able to be witness to your most tender moments is truly an honor and I am grateful for those who let me step in to document it.

      I’m adventurous and try to make taking photos fun and sentimental for the two of you, so if you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, I’m your gal.  I want to capture your genuine smiles, cuddles, unique interactions and laughter and I want you to feel like YOU when we’re doing it.

      • The first wedding I ever shot by myself was a destination wedding in Mexico.
      • I get down and dirty for the shot. Rolling around in the dirt, thigh-high in the lake, or dangling my body over the top of a waterfall. Shoots with me are always an adventure so bring your boots!
      • I love to travel and will pretty much bend over backward for the opportunity to shoot somewhere cool. Whether it’s somewhere near or somewhere far (can someone bring me to Iceland please?), I jump on the opportunity to travel and offer great pricing incentives to do so.
      • I love 1970’s fashion. I write this wearing bell-bottoms and an ascot. That doesn’t have anything to do with photography but whatever. If you too have a sense for all things groovy, please hire me so I can photograph you.
      • On that note, 60’s-70’s music is my favorite. Forever. Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Simon and Garfunkel, Fleetwood Mac, Talking Heads, David Bowie. I’m bringing this up because I love connecting with my couples over music.
      • Speaking of music, I love creating a Spotify playlist for literally everything. So if you need music for cocktail hour, dinner, processional, or even first dance song inspiration, I got you.
      • Lastly, I will tell you I’m goofy as all get out. I’ll leave it at that and we can talk to each other in silly voices if the moment is right.